Buy robux with credit card. If your worried your kids will buy more robux on your. A charge may be showing for two reasons. Amazon digital gift cards only grant robux and cannot be used toward a premium subscription. A pending charge is showing on my card.
Do not buy this if you are trying to buy a general all purpose roblox gift card. If they have notifications set up they will be notified if not they will see it on their statement. Select the product you want to purchase. Do not buy this if you are trying to buy a general all purpose roblox gift card.
If youre using a roblox or rixty card enter the pin from the card and click redeem. This is not made explicitly clear that theres a distinction between the two. This can not be used to pay for builders club. If you chose to pay with a credit or debit card enter the details from the card.
Log into the roblox account where you redeemed the game card. Im the parent not the gaming kid so to me credit and robux seemed like the same thing. Redeem roblox gift cards to load up on robux or double the fun with a premium subscription. This is not made explicitly clear that theres a distinction between the two.
This can not be used to pay for builders club. It is only explicitly robux. When you buy robux you receive only a limited non refundable non transferable revocable license to use robux which has no value in real currency. I hope your not buying robux on your parents or anyones credit card without their knowledge.
If you continue to have an issue with a particular card please try using a different credit card or another form of payment such as paypal or a roblox game card. If you selected paypal follow the on screen instructions to sign into your paypal account and complete your payment. It is only explicitly robux. With this roblox game card users can purchase builders club or robux no credit card needed.
Select roblox credit as the payment type and click continue. Go to the membership purchase page or the robux purchase page. Your financial institution is holding the declined charge in a pending state while the payment resolves.